Monday, February 9, 2015


Apple Preservation Experiment.




The motivation behind this is that apples look disgusting when they brown even though it barely effects the actual taste it can still put off someone’s intention to eat the apple. Apples brown because of exposure to oxygen (,2009, K. Lester, 2009) Some people have stated that the best way to preserve apples is to dip the apple slices into some form of liquid which range from lemon juice to club soda. The following experiment is a test to see which liquid could preserve apple slices the most efficiently.

Hypothesis: We hypothesized that lemon juice would be the best preserving agent to the apples.


 In order to preform the experiment, we used some measuring glasses, apples, 10oz of club soda, cold water, and a solution of 1oz lemon juice 8oz water.

1.       First, slice the apple into eight equal slices and fill three different glasses with the liquids. One with 10oz of club soda, one with 10oz of cold water, and one with 1oz of lemon juice and 8oz water.

2.       Next, two slices go into each cup, two will be left out on their own, this is the control.

3.       The slices must be in the solutions for five (5) minutes. After five minutes of letting the slices sit in the solutions for the five (5) minutes, let the slices sit out for five (5) hours.




Results:  After about five hours of sitting in the open, the control, predictably, browned to the point of looking completely unappetizing while the rest proved to be slightly effective. The most effective of preserving the apples from browning was the lemon juice solution.


Conclusion: Soaking the apple slices in lemon juice proved to work better for preserving the apple slices.  After looking at other sites, this has proved to be a very effective process for preserving the slices.


Site 1: Bjornsson, E. (2006). Why do apples turn brown? Retrieved from

Site 2: Messersmith, C. (2009). 6 ways to stop fruit from browning. Retrieved from

Site3: Tecstra Systems. (2015). Prevent apples from turning browns. Retrieved from


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